4YZ-7 Self-propelled Corn Combine

1. Forage row independent harvesting shears is adopted, so that harvesting operation is not limited by row spacing.
2. Mainframe of corn combine can connect with silage corn harvesting mow platform S-2200 to harvest corn for silage so corn combine can have two usages. Big-ridge and two-row mow platform can not only be applied in new big-ridge and two-row planting model in Northeast area but also applied to plant corn in row-space of 650mm.
3. The machine is driven by 1000 series speed changing box, which is easy and flexible to operate.
4. The machine possesses specially designed device for cutting up corn stalk and return it to original field and its cutting quality is high and power consumption is low.
5. Big-volume and rolling-over cluster box driven by hydraulic pressure is adopted to greatly reduce the times to unload the grain and improve work efficiency.
6. Message in the electronic monitoring system is shown on liquid crystal; so that the volume of it can be small enough but its precision and reliability have been improved.
7. Loss rate of kernel and cluster is low, for traveling sieve can recover lost kernel.
8. Peeler can work to peel leaves as much as possible while rate of broken corn is reduced to least possible.
III. Main technical parameters:
Engineer power: 117.6 Kilowatt (160 horsepower);
Operational width of general model of shears: 2.4m;
Operational width of shears in big-ridge and two-row planting: 2.6m;
Weight of the whole machine(harvesting both spike and stalk): 9.78 tons
Operational model: self-propelled forage row independent harvesting (harvesting row space is between 450mm and 600mm);
Stalk kneading and length of cutting-up: ≤150mm;
Operational speed: ≤6kilometers/ hour
Operation productivity in net time: 6-12 mu / hour
Theoretical operational speed 0~8 km/h
Rate of complete peeling of corn leaves: ≥85%
Loss rate of kernel: ≤2%
Loss rate of cluster: ≤3%
length of cutting-up stalks ≤15cm
running speed (every gears can realize infinitely variable speeds)
First gear: 0.96km/h~2.3km/h
First gear: 1.8km/h~5.1km/h
First gear: 3.6km/h~9.6km/h
First gear: 7.4km/h~19.7km/h
Reverse gear: 2.1km/h~5.2km/h