<img alt="" data-cke-saved-src="http://chixin.cc/uploadfile/2014/1225/20141225081431581.jpg" src="http://chixin.cc/uploadfile/2014/1225/20141225081431581.jpg" "="" style="height: 480px; width: 640px;">
Quarantine greenhouse supply corresponding conditions (such as sunshine, water,humidity, pressure, etc) for isolated subjects
Main function: positive/negative pressure, sterilization, air sterilization, drainage sterilization, solid management, temperature accommodation, etc.
Quarantine isolated greenhouse is a kind of security greenhouse used to supply corresponding conditions (such as sunshine, water, humidity, pressure, etc) for isolated subjects. It is mainly used for insulating, plant testing, breeding, quarantine and sterilization of imported or exported seeds, seedling and other breeding materials possibly taking dangerous plant disease. It is also used to plant special species and those for gene experiment, which requires extremely strict growing conditions.